The Curious Case of Candy Darling.

Born James Slattery, November 24, 1944. Reborn as Candy Darling, the worlds first Super Drag Queen? I think so. Let’s talk bout Her Angular House. No time of birth is given, so it’s my interpretation to figure out where, and why I think the following. Rising, is in Aquarius. She was unique, ground breaking, and…

Weekly Profile: Taurus. Pisces. Virgo.

Okay, and welcome to our first week chart reading. So bear with me, it’s a new adventure, and it will take time to Iron things out. So I have the MP3 version of the chart reading for a more human touch to it. But of course that requires speaking, so I’m also going to attach…

Venusian Power – Goddess of Beauty, and not being lonely.

In astrology, Venus is a planet. Seriously, it’s true. Don’t be fooled when you look into the night sky and see a bright star-like thing staring back at you. Let’s back track a moment here. Venus is the Roman Goddess of Beauty, and love. Before her, Aphrodite from Greece. But don’t get fooled, both the…