Let’s Talk About Libra.

After thorough self-awareness and expression, and then meeting reality and reploarizing the self, we now enter the season of encounters with other beings, and connect them through the art of Venus, enter Libra. Let’s talk about them.

Ruled by Venus, they are all about three things: Beauty, Relationships, and Harmony. It’s through Venus that they are inclined towards greater sense of, possibly bordering narcissistic, beauty and appreciation of beauty. It’s through her grace that they are endowed with quality to allow the sense, and creation of beauty. Art, expression of art, creation of art, appreciation of beauty, and power Aesthetics are the name of These Venusian Children.

Take it even further, they are gifted with great social ability that is unparamount to anyone else in the zodiac. It’s through The Scales that we learn equality, and tact. No other sign can reform ideas of others, and smooth things over then any other. They are the Masters of Charm. That Liban smile is disarming, and a secret to these Venusianites.

However for their to be peace, there needs to be war. On the surface, they may appear calm and the epitome of serenity. However below the surface, they’re strung tight, and on constantly at war with themselves. Peace at any price, and sometimes the price can be quite high.

The biggest war that a Libra faces is one of Authenticity. In the need to be accepted they can compromise the core of their system. Fence sitting can look like an art to outsiders, but it’s fear of making a choice, and thinking about the other side.

Inner peace for these Scales come through an understanding of Who they are in the scheme of Relating. It’s actually through the art of Arian Energy that they learn to stand on their own, but with someone, not dependency, but interdependency.

Arian-Libran Complex is all about finding balance between the Self, and Others. Most Librans live for the self through others, which can get misguided, so it’s looking to Aries for some tips on how to remain an individual, but interact with the beauty that is the world of partnerships.

So all I can say, is when a Libran makes a descion, don’t take it lightly, it probable has taken them a helluva lot of energy and process to get there.

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